Winter Wonderland at Silver (Creek) Falls
My grandma, cousin and I were sitting around the table playing card games when we noticed on that Christmas afternoon it had started to snow. We hadn't had a white Christmas in many years; it's a rare treat for us in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Kara and I looked at each other with excitement and said, "shall we go?" We were referring to Silver Falls State Park which we were lucky enough to be only a 20 minute drive away. And lucky it was because we were also quickly losing daylight. We grabbed our coats and darted out the door. Kara, being the professional and awesome model that she is, ventured out into the snow with high heeled boots and willingly and happily trudged around in the snow with wet, cold feet to get these shots. She is amazing to work with and I'm not just saying that because she's my cousin, I promise! Anyway, here are some of the shots we got that Christmas afternoon. I hope whoever is reading this has had a wonderful holiday season this year.